Special purchases in Sweden include glassware and crystal, ceramics, stainless steel and silver, hemslöjd (cottage industry artifacts) and woodcarvings. Women's and children's clothes are good buys, especially handknitted Nordic sweaters.
Glass & Wooden Art:
Sweden is known for excellent glass and wood production. At glassworks, especially in Småland, you may make a real find. These works of art, as well as other glass goods, such as plates, drinking glasses, bowls, and the like, can also be bought in most glass stores and department stores. There is excellent wood production especially in the northern parts of Sweden. These works of art, as well as other wooden goods, can be bought either at the location where they are made, or in most department stores.
Clothing & other essentials:
You can buy a whole range of foreign branded clothes and shoes. There are plenty of boutiques, as well as department stores. Clothing and shoes can be found at a variety of prices. You can also buy kitchen appliances at reasonable prices.
A Value Added Tax is always included in posted prices in all Scandinavian countries. Shoppers in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden can avoid this tax in two ways:
- By using the tax-free system offered to tourists, based on a cash refund upon departure from the countries. The Scandinavian countries are ranked among the top 10 in Europe when it comes to potential refunds.
- By having their purchases mailed to an address outside Scandinavia.